Are you looking to referee more?


Then we need you to log into Goalline and update your availability.

 Availability for December Due Today


Are you looking to referee more?  Then we need you to log into Goalline and update your availability.  The default setting for all officials is that you are NOT available.  If you aren’t getting enough games be sure to log in by the 5th of every month and update your availability for the following month.  Be sure to scroll to the bottom of the page and hit SAVE.


There has been some confusion on how the availability check boxes work when setting your availability on the website.

To clarify the confusion that seems to be out there regarding setting availability and how the check boxes work, please first disregard any previous notices on this subject and consider this to be the most updated and accurate. 

  • If you check off the availability box at 6pm, this will allow you to be assigned to a game that begins anywhere between 6:00pm - 6:59pm. 
  • The duration or length of game does not come into play whatsoever.
  • If the game duration is 60, 75, 120 or 180 minutes but begins anywhere between 6:00pm - 6:59pm and you have checked off the box at 6:00pm then you can be assigned into that game. 
Please take note of the following links for future reference which can be accessed in the FAQ Section of the website. 

Helpful links regarding availability. 


Filling out your availability by the 5th of every month is critical AS IS going in on a regular basis and keeping your status up to date so you can get those last minute opportunities.  As an example there are 53 officials in Midget 1 and 11 have ZERO availability.  That makes it very difficult to assign and tells us that those officials are not able to make the commitment to work this elite level of hockey.


Please do your part and keep your availability up to date.




Craig DeCoursey

CZRC Chairman