2012-13 CZRC Awards Banquet


This email is being sent as an official invitation to ALL CZRC officials to come attend the 2012-13 CZRC Awards Banquet.

2012-13 CZRC Awards Banquet

This email is being sent as an official invitation to ALL CZRC officials to come attend the 2012-13 CZRC Awards Banquet. Each year the CZRC recognizes numerous officials from the community level all the way up to the higher ranks, and this Banquet is held not only for them but for all CZRC officials to come celebrate their accomplishments, as well as to celebrate another year of officiating.
Details of this year’s event are as follows:
DATE:              Saturday April 27, 2013
TIME:  Cocktails @ 5pm (2 free drink tickets per person included)
            Diner Severed @ 6pm (Full Buffet)
            Awards Banquet, Guest Speaker and Prizes to Follow
            Ending @ 11pm
LOCATION:      Deerfoot Inn & Casino – Sundance Rooms A & B
                        1000, 11500 – 35 Street SE
                        Calgary, AB
COST:  $35.00 per person
We encourage all officials to bring any and all family. The venue has a limit of 100 people, so we will be booking on a first come first serve basis.
The banquet is open to all CZRC members:
***The only way to sign up is to email me at the address below*** You must indicate if you would like to pay via points, cash or chit deduction. Chit deduction is only available until March 31.
Michael Roberts
CZRC Secretary